"I met this guy and we had a GREAT time on our first few dates. Then, he vanished! No calls. No texts. Nothing! I was so confused!! What gives with this guy? Was he just bullsh*t? How can I see the signs of this in the future?"
The proverbial needle-in-a-haystack doesn’t even begin to describe the swipe-swipe-swipe-search-shittydate-swipe-swipe-ghosted-quit-deleteapp-waittwoweeks-downloadappagain-swipe-swipe-swipe approach to dating in today’s technology-centric world.
Bonobo chimpanzees kiss, elephants put their trunks in each other's mouths, foxes lick faces — all as signs of affection. But why do humans kiss in the first place, and what's the reasoning behind it — both scientific, emotional, and chemical?