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In the midst of our bustling lives, it's all too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of negativity. We often find ourselves dwelling on what's missing, what's gone wrong, or what we wish could be different. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking a deeper sense of happiness lies in a simple shift of perspective?
Sometimes, the challenges of relationships become catalysts for amazing realizations and self-discovery. This is the story of a woman who found her inner strength and power through adversity at home.
Divorce is a significant life event that can leave you feeling lost, disoriented, and emotionally strained. Here is a guide to help you rediscover your identity and find yourself after divorce.
"I met this guy and we had a GREAT time on our first few dates. Then, he vanished! No calls. No texts. Nothing! I was so confused!! What gives with this guy? Was he just bullsh*t? How can I see the signs of this in the future?"
Whether you celebrate Galentine's Day on February 13th with your BFFs, Valentine's Day on February 14th with your significant other, or you boycott it entirely because F*CK Valentine's Day — it's still JUST A DAY.
Date a man who smiles. Date a man who spends his time on improving himself emotionally as well as physically. He might have issues with time because he has a unquenchable thirst for living, and for life itself. Date a man who has a list of things he wants to learn... about himself, about the world around him, and about others.
When it comes to past relationships, there is a harsh reality: You can't go back, as the past cannot be changed. Going back means only one thing: Repeating past situations and mistakes. When you revisit an old flame,
I don't want to focus on the woman's side of these problems... because these behaviors are not the problems of women. Yes, these issues impact women (in profoundly ugly ways), but they reflect the deep-rooted issues of (some) men.
500 women talk about what's in their heads when it comes to life, love, and the things that drive them crazy in their relationships. Men: Be warned all ye who enter here.
What are the real motivators for women to have a one-time or recurring want/desire for a Bad Boy in their life? Are they just trying to attain the unattainable? Is it the challenge of making him fall in love—to "capture" him? And, where does this leave the Nice Guy? I asked these questions to over 500 women, a number of other relationship experts, and as many self-proclaimed Bad Boys that would participate. The results were eye-opening.
What kills passion and hot sex? Complacency and laziness, certainly. But the BIGGEST killers of great sex are the things you won’t or don’t talk about. HERE’S how you can get the connection back AND have longer-lasting sex!
Love has a tendency of sweeping many people off their feet. However, with that rush of emotion, physical attraction, and "connection", red flags can get overlooked. The result is a broken heart, and a misguided thought that they "did something wrong". Many times, the tell-tale signs show themselves early in the dating process... if you are paying close attention.
Credit card statements and hotel keys left on the dresser... but what if they are more sneaky than that? I asked 50 cheating men what they did. They got honest. Here are the 10 behavioral identifiers of people who cheat.
"I've always had self-esteem problems and confidence issues... but this has just taken it out of me. I don't think I can have sex with him without thinking of how many porn starlets he's gotten off to... or if he's thinking of them while having sex with me."
Women who get played by men aren't "dumb" or "inexperienced". Smart women get played all the time… and not because the guy is bright or smooth... but because his bullsh*t story has enough tangible possibility for it to be believable. Moreover, these "guy players" aren't useless men... they watch and wait — predators of a sort — and fill a specific need that a woman is looking for. And not just any need…
Before you buy that venti blended Frappuccino, take a second to think about what you might do for someone else today.
Lying, cheating, financial infidelity. The million-dollar question: After this kind of break-up, why do exes come back, or get in contact after some time has passed?
If you're unhappy and/or frustrated in your relationship, you want things to change. You want to make things better. You want to understand why they treat you badly, why they cheated, why they left, why they don't make time for you, why they don't value you, why you are miserable in your relationship, and you really want to understand why the hell you put up with it. Here's the deal, and I'm going to give it to you straight.
Sometimes, when you look for love you can become their own worst enemy — subconsciously destroying your chances to build a great relationship. Here's how many people stop themselves from finding the love they deserve »
Maybe one outgrows the other. Maybe a difference of life goals. Maybe the passion waned and it was just time to call it quits before either (or both) were disappointed in the long run. Whatever the case, it resulted in a break-up. The problem: They won't let go.
Verbal, physical, sexual abuse is in the news on a nightly basis, and the latest is showcased in high definition for all to see: Stanford Rapist Brock Turner. The judge let him off with a VERY lenient sentence. Brock's father wrote a disgusting letter in a feeble attempt to make excuses for his son despicable, deplorable behavior—showcasing how rape culture in the U.S. is completely enmeshed in college athletics. And social media is up-in-arms at the injustice.
Trending Love Lists
And there they are: Charming. Amazing. Well dressed. Great in bed. You're instantly smitten. Are they one of those amazing people and the connection is just so... REAL, or is something more diabolical waiting for you just below the surface? Here's how you can tell...
Some relationships are harder to get over than others. This is why you can't move on... and what you can do about it.
To build a great relationship that truly lasts, there are some rules that need to be followed...
The techniques that work to keep love alive across the miles...
Bonobo chimpanzees kiss, elephants put their trunks in each other's mouths, foxes lick faces — all as signs of affection. But why do humans kiss in the first place, and what's the reasoning behind it — both scientific, emotional, and chemical?